The troll kingdom
Fire place

The mine
Troll village
The wild trolls house
Småtrollens hus
The big troll scene
Here in Trollrike houses the mighty Troll King and all the great trolls. They speak their own language and live in caves deep inside Gesundaberget. A troll family lives in the troll house with their three little troll babies, Kluring and Flora are also here, they are our domestic trolls who can speak human language and are very curious about people and love to play with all children.
Troll village
In the large Gesundaberget, the great troll lives in caves and passages deep in the mountain. In Trollbyn you can see the doors to the various caves and passages. The trolls always lock the doors because they are very afraid of their troll treasures that they keep inside. if you pay attention and listen, you can hear the trolls roaring and wandering around in there. If you want to visit a real troll home, you can visit Trollens hus which is located right at the entrance to Trollrike.
The troll house
Here you will find the little troll-triplets sleeping in the middle of the great hall. Here you can run around and play among troll treasures, look in the witch’s pantry, climb, crawl and hide in the big troll’s head. In the trolls’ fire place you will also find the barbecue area, here you can grill sausages and eat a packed lunch..
Have you ever been on a troll safari? Not! Then it’s high time now. First you get to learn important things about small trolls and big trolls, you get to learn magic language and magic spells so that you can petrify the trolls if they get too mischievous.
Musicals & adventures
Here the great musical acts and adventures are played where you get to meet exciting creatures from the fairytale world Huldran, Drakälvan, the trolls and of course the Troll King.