Dragon land

Horse and carriage
The enchanting forest
The dragon lair
The big dragon scene
Elven's house
Elven's lookout tower
The elves protect nature and all animals. Above all, he is fond of and know all about dragons. He has his house deep in the Enchanted Forest and here Drakland is growing. More and more dragons are looking for Tomteland and Alven, who are the protectors of all dragons. He now has three dragons. The dragon baby Eldar, whose mother was frightened away by Skuggvittran. Fires called the dragon baby must be fed often, so it is good that you come and help the Elf feed the little one.
Kaldera is the new large lava dragon that has settled down just behind Elven’s house. She is a young, really mischievous teenage dragon, only a couple of hundred years old. The elf and his dragon keeper have full vision to raise and train Kaldera, something that you can also help with when you visit Draklandet and Alven’s house.
In Elven’s house there are lots of things to discover and here also lives the third dragon. The blueberry dragon is a mini dragon that hatched some time ago. He has built his nest inside Alven and comes and goes between the blueberry forest and his nest a little as he wants.